
CRNA needed in Silver City, NM! $225/hour+ Travel and Lodging!

Job description

Type of cases required: ENDO, OB, GYN, PEDs, General, Vascular, ORTHO, ENT, Acute Pain, Outpatient surgeries

Supervision: All CRNA practice

Spinals, Blocks, Epidurals - must be proficient: Yes

Credentialing Timeframe: 30-60 days

Caselogs required: Yes - proof of epidurals, spinals and blocks

EMR System: MedAxion

Vaccination Required: Following the NM state mandate, everyone is to be vaccinated or follow the exemption requirements.

Licenses: DEA and CSR required

Additional Facts Regarding Site: n/a

  • 13 week with possibility of extending
  • On call required

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