
CRNAs needed near Princeton WV! Make up to $225/hr + travel/lodging.

Job description

Cred Timeframe - appox. 90 days

- ON Call Information- 1 MD and 1 CRNA on call nights and weekends (not in-house)
- 1:4 MD ratio
- 8 OR’s & 2 Endo
- Shifts are 7am-3pm, call is 3p-7a, 24 hour weekend call
- MD and CRNA call- both keep beeper
- Supervision model but MDs perform epidurals

Cases: GS, Endo, OB, Gyn, Pod, Uro, ENT, Ortho, Ortho-totals, possible healthy peds
- NO hearts, No Heads, MD’s do Epidurals - but will take CRNA’s who want to do epidurals and OB, ok if CRNA’s don’t do spinal or regional blocks

  • Travel/lodging included

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