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90 day crendentialing
ASAP starts after
Ongoing coverage needed
Work Details:
• Department Description: bread and butter anesthesiology; Highly skilled team providing ultrasound guided regional anesthesia. Team provides anesthesia services to main hospital, ambulatory surgical center and endoscopy center; all sites located within main campus. Diverse case load; no trauma/neurosurgery/cardiac surgery.
• Supervision of CRNA/students.
• Patient age group varies; there are some Peds but no infants or sick children.
• Must be comfortable with regional anesthesia.
• 8 ORs in main hospital, one in OB, anesthesiologists provide epidural coverage. 4 ORs and 2 endoscopy suites at ASC. 2 endoscopy suites at the endoscopy center.
• EMR/Documentation System: Epic
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