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General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care
-AVG patient load: 25 PPD
-Only one PA on at night ** must be able to work solo**
- 4 on 8 off schedule. 5pm-5am.
-Assist the Surgeon in the OR when there are surgical cases (specialties include General Surgery, Urology, Vascular, ENT, Plastic, daVinci robot - minimal ortho.)
-Pre-Op care of surgical patients - Pre-Op orders, H&P, etc. EPIC EMR.
-Post Care care of patients - Post Op Orders, Pain management, Medication management.
-Make rounds on all surgical patients, assessing patient condition and communicating with the on-call surgeons as needed.
Sharing expertise with other members of the patient care team including Nursing, Pharmacy, Case Management, etc.
ED consults when requested.
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