General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Medicine, Vascular Surgery

Prestigious Vein Clinic near NYC is Seeking Physicians!!

Job description

Prestigious Vein Clinic near NYC is Seeking Physicians!!

Ideal candidates will have a strong academic resume. Physicians come from a variety of backgrounds, must have some vascular access and procedural experience. The majority of the current physicians in the group are Ivy League trained.

Seeking candidates with training/experience in General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Cardiology, Anesthesiology, Interventional Radiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery or other Surgery backgrounds...

*Experience in vein medicine (phlebology) is preferred, but we can train.

The group is physician owned and physician run, mid sized with 15 FTEs. Lots of autonomy, NO weekends or call and a competitive compensation with base plus productivity totaling OVER $500k.

*Currently there are openings in Long Island, NY, Manhattan and in New Jersey too.

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