Maternal & Fetal Medicine, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Obstetrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Midwive Coveage in Morehead, KY

Job description

Contract Length: 6 mo with option to extend

Schedule: full time clinic coverage, 5x8/week. 1 day of 24 hour call/week. 1-2 weekends of 48 hour call/month.
Call requirements: 1 24 hr call/week, 2 24 hr call weekends/month. Call response time is 30 minutes.

Work Details:
Number of deliveries per year? About 300-320/year
Will Nurse Midwife see GYN patients in addition to OB patients and deliveries? yes
How many CNMs / OBs are in the office during coverage period and call rotation? 2-4 OBs 2-4 CNMs
Is the call in-house or are they on a pager/cell phone? Does Nurse Midwife take first call? Call is in-house while working clinic on the weekdays, pager call for nights and weekends. Midwives generally take 1st call.
What percentage of patients require C-Sections? Low c-section rate, around 25%
Are pregnancy terminations performed? No
Is the CNM required to stay on the floor or in the hospital during the entire labor process? No
Number of delivery rooms? 4
What is the level of nursery? Level 1 – they deliver down to 36 weeks

  • Clinic and Call
  • Rural healthcare
  • We can license!

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