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Obstetrics & Gynecology
OB/GYN Opportunity in Metro Birmingham, Alabama!!
4 physicians and 1 PA in group
Single specialty, existing group
2 physicians close to retirement
Pathway to partnership in one year or 6 months
Pay for 25 CME’s per year
Malpractice coverage ProAssurance
4 – 6 weeks of vacation per year + CME
Dues for professional memberships paid
Medical, Dental and Vision paid out of overhead
Life insurance, short-term disability, long-term disability and practice pays
2 exam rooms + 1 procedure room
Staffing resources: Nurse and MA
Average 50 deliveries per month
No OB day, each works own schedule
See 30 – 35 per day, minimum 15/day
Surgery varies, help each other out
EMR is Greenway
Lab corps in office
Procedures: ultrasound, mammography and Dexa
Mostly Blue Cross, see Medicaid OBs
Call is 1:12 shared with 2 other groups
Typical day: 8:30 – 4:30
6 a.m. surgery best time, smaller surgeries at lunch
Use OB Hospitalists to cover call
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