Obstetrics & Gynecology


Job description

The need for physicians in the United States is well publicized
and the topic of conversation in media outlets, government
debates and family dinner conversations. But do you know that
entire communities like the American Indians who reside within our
own U.S. borders desperately need quality physicians to help
meet their healthcare needs?

Staff Care has been committed for over 10 years to finding
quality physicians with a heightened sense of social responsibility and willingness to provide quality care to the underserved. Whether filling in for a permanent physician in need of time off, supplementing care for increased census, or filling a vacancy, Staff Care health professionals who have worked assignments through our Indian Health Services division are able to:

* Influence entire communities of people to make better health choices,
* Experience personal growth, enrichment and fulfillment,
* Receive gratitude for their service from both their patients and the community, and
* Learn about unique and diverse cultures without leaving the U.S.

  • Travel, Lodging and Medical Malpractice Provided
  • Monday thru Friday 8am to 4:30pm + Call Rotation
  • Indian Health Service

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