Obstetrics & Gynecology

Job ID: BS20055


Job description

Location: A vibrant town in Arizona nestled between the Bradshaw and Mingus Mountains. This town is surrounded by the Prescott National Forest, offering residents and visitors access to unspoiled natural beauty. Approximately 85 miles to Phoenix, the capital of Arizona! Facility: A Family Birthing Center within a not-for-profit hospital providing comprehensive maternity care, including labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum services in a family-centered environment. Opportunity: Bid Due Date: 2/28/2025 at 5:00 PM EST 10-12 shifts per month for 24-to-48-hour in-house coverage Approx 950 deliveries annually, 2.6/day Physician suite in the FBC department BID DUE DATE: 2/28/25 Duties: 24-hour shift covering all triage, LDRP and gyn patients (ED and inpatient) Days per month: four (weekends) EMR: Cerner Support Staff: L&D RNs, NNP, anesthesia, OR staff Compensation: Competitive weekly pay and malpractice included.

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