Obstetrics & Gynecology

Earn over $20,000.00 per month!

Job description

Assignment Description - Clinic and Call, Call rotation will be 1:6. No High Risk Patients. Please call ASAP for additional details!

Location Description - If you’re looking for new and exciting vacation adventures, then our state is the place you want to be. History buffs can explore the state’s legendary cowboy towns or visit one of our countless countless museums, which celebrate the state’s pioneer, aviation, farming and Native American legacies. Outdoor enthusiasts will be happy to know that our state is still home on the range to the American bison, which can be viewed up close at two of the state’s wildlife refuges and along the highways. And for nature lovers, Our state is home to the largest remaining stand of tallgrass prairie in North America, providing a glimpse of what the continent looked like 200 years ago.

  • Wonderful Location
  • Work with the Men and women that defend this great country!
  • Wonderful Call Rotation

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