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Obstetrics & Gynecology
South Florida OB/GYN Opportunity!!
General OB opportunity
See patients in the office and perform deliveries and surgeries at the hospital.
5 days a week from Monday to Friday 9am to 5:30pm
CALL schedule: 1:4 weekends, one or two weekdays.
Percentage of OB: 70% and GYN: 30%
8 exam rooms, 2 hospitals, level 3 hospital
3% high risk patients
Approximately 40 deliveries per month
One physician, 7 NPs
Benefits paid by the practice, 2 weeks time off per year, continuing education
opportunities: 1 week off for CME and 5k allowance for CME, licensing, etc.
**Salary: up to 250K for newly graduate, and up to 300K for an experienced physician.
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