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Obstetrics & Gynecology
Job ID: 56913
Job Description:
OBGYN call coverage (7a-7a) at OMH - starting Mid May with ongoing dates.
Total Number of Beds: 6
Average Number of Scheduled Patients Per Day:1-2
Physicians in Practice: 2
Onsite Lab? Yes
Onsite Ultrasound? Yes
Nursing staff on the L&D floor
What Percentage of Practice is Low Risk Pregnancy: 46 patients total due in Aug
What Percentage of Practice is High Risk Pregnancy: 28%
Percentage of Practice is GYN: 50%
Average Number of Nursery Admissions Per Day: 1-2
Documentation System/EMR: Meditech
Trauma Level/Designation: Level 2
Certification Requirement (BLS, ACLS, etc.): ACLS
Required Obstetrics Procedures: ["Low Risk Pregnancy (i.e. History of Twins, Toxemia, Pyelonephritis, etc.)","High Risk Pregnancy (i.e. with Toxemia, Diabetes, Class II or Higher Cardiacs, Chronic Lung Problems, Chronic Renal Disease, etc.)"]
Labor and Delivery Required Procedures: Routine Delivery –Vaginal, Low Forceps, Decision-Making for C-Section","Complicated Delivery –C-Section, Breech, Multiple Births, Abruptions, etc.","Repair of 3rd & 4th Degree Lacerations”
Gynecology Required Procedures: Ectopic Pregnancy, Ovary Removal, Cystectomy, Extensive LOA’s
Board Certified OBGYN (no BE)
MI State license
COVID vaccination
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