Obstetrics & Gynecology

ObGyn Physician Secaucus, NJ

Job description

ObGyn Physician Secaucus, NJ
We are looking for an OB-GYN Obstetrician Gynecologist to join our hospital-based team in Secaucus, NJ. Ideally, we are looking for a compassionate Board-Certified Physician to join our team of inpatient providers, giving our patients the best, highest quality care that they need and deserve.
• Responsible for providing in house medical counsel and support to women during pregnancy and childbirth
• Patient care- obtain medical history, physical exams, review pertinent records/imaging/reports
• Order and review labs/diagnostics as needed
• Order pharmacologic interventions
• Documentation- timely and accurate
• Physically present in the hospital from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM on weekdays, or 8:00 AM to 8:00 AM on weekends and holidays. The physician may not leave the hospital until next physician on call is present
• Responsible to evaluate any OB/GYN patient in the Emergency Department when asked by an attending physician
• Responsible to evaluate any patient in Labor and Delivery when asked by an attending physician or L&D nurse
• Responsible to evaluate any patient who does not have an OB/GYN physician and presents to the Emergency Department or Labor and Delivery during the 24 hours which the house staff physician is on call
• The nurse on post-Partum will call the house physician for all non-urgent orders after 11:00 PM unless the attending stats otherwise. This would be for sleep, Tylenol or pain orders
• The house staff must be present when called for a delivery when the attending physician is not present or for any precipitous deliveries
• The house physician must be professional in their manner and appearance and pleasant in their demeanor. ID's must be always worn
• Obtain any consent forms for the attending when asked by the attending
• Assist the attending for any procedure (including GYN procedure) during their shift
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