Obstetrics & Gynecology

Job ID: 2506444

OBGYN Hospital Call + 2 Clinic Shifts/week in NY

Job description

Specialty: OB (95% OB, 5% GYN)

Shift Details:1 24-hr call (Hospital shift) in 7 days (could be any day of the week) & 2- 8hr clinic days per week (Mon-Friday)- Call shift is not pager, provider needs to be in the hospital. There is a room next to L&D for waiting/sleeping.

Work Details:
Support staff 5 other OB providers, Midwife support as well. For Sunday call they have an LPN, MA, Receptionist & other Doctors working that can help out
Patients per day 14 patients per day every 30 minutes
Patient population/age: Teenagers & Adults mostly
EMR eClinicalWorks

Skills required:
Practice Setting: Other pertinent information: onsite ultrasound, deliveries are done at adjoining hospital, 5 other OB providers, Midwife support as well, 1500 deliveries per year

  • Just north of NYC
  • 24 hour onsite call + 2 8 hour clinic shifts/week
  • Primarily OB (95%)

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