Obstetrics & Gynecology

Job ID: KL19710

OB/GYN Opportunity in NC

Job description

Location: Centrally located in Eastern North Carolina, Duplin County is easy to find but hard to forget! Visitors are drawn by the deep roots in history, small town charm, and that special Southern-style hospitality that keeps them coming back. The many flavors of Duplin County offer a little something for everyone. Just 80 miles southeast of Raleigh where you can easily access Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Escape to the mountains or Carolina beaches. Healthcare Organization: 1,708-bed academic health care system serving more than 1.4 million people in 29 eastern North Carolina counties. Opportunity: OB/GYN *Full-time permanent position *Shared Call *Board Certified/Eligible- Required *EMR- EPIC Compensation: Competitive compensation and benefits plan, qualified applicants may also be eligible for loan repayment, sign-on bonus, income guarantees, and residency/fellowship paid commitment stipends. Opportunities exist for student loan repayment from the North Carolina Medical Society and The North Carolina Office of Rural Health

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