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Obstetrics & Gynecology
OBGYN Saipan
Positions: Locums (minimum 6 months) or Contract (2 years)
CHCC has 4 labor and delivery rooms, a general OBGYN ward (for postpartum, antepartum, post operations, etc), and an outpatient clinic in the hospital. There are two operating rooms shared by OBGYNs and other surgeons. There is usually midwife coverage on labor and delivery for vaginal deliveries. We have a NICU that is staffed by general pediatricians who do a great job. There is a good amount of high risk obstetrics, often the patients are not stable enough to be transported off island for care so they are managed by us. The department doesn't have a formal relationship with a Maternal Fetal Medicine, so this is a great chance to practice and manage high risk obstetrics. The outpatient clinic has federal grants to support family planning and breast and cervical cancer screening. When there is adequate staffing, the department will do outreach to the neighboring islands Rota and Tinian (this isn't mandatory, but quite fun and allows you to travel to other islands). There are Radiology services that perform obstetric and gynecologic imaging. The clinic has electronic fetal monitoring capabilities with central monitoring. Gynecologic surgeries are performed as open abdominal, vaginal or laparoscopic. The equipment for laparoscopy is dated, but available. Often equipment that is common in the US mainland is not available here, like hysteroscopy, but we get creative. There is an above average amount of gynecologic malignancy, so gynecologic care is very much needed. So in many ways, it's similar to other underserved areas, but then there's also some differences. Most people do not speak American English as their first language. Not everyone is a US citizen, so access to care is difficult. Getting women off island for care is a process and takes many hours for them to reach their destination. It takes time to establish a rapport with the community. Contact Sign up or sign in for contact information
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