Obstetrics & Gynecology

Full Time OBGYN Needed in Oklahoma

Job description

Full Time OBGYN Needed in Oklahoma

- Outpatient clinic coverage, standard clinical procedures and evaluations
- Mon-Fri, 8-hour days
- Call requirement is a 1:4 rotation (one weekday/week and 1 weekend/month) Callback frequency can vary
- Call coverage includes c-sections, difficult deliveries and ER consults. Natural deliveries are done by the midwives who are onsite 24/7.
- 300 deliveries per year on average
- 6-month initial commitment with the ability to extend
- Roughly 6-8 weeks to credential
- Any state license accepted
- BC in OBGYN required
- DEA, BLS and NRP required
- Travel and lodging can be provided

  • 6 month commitment with ability to extend
  • Any state license accepted
  • Clinic + call rotation

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