Obstetrics & Gynecology

Locum OBGYN - Clinic + Call - St. Albans, VT - WILL WAIT FOR LICENSE

Job description

Locum OBGYN needed in St. Albans, VT


Daily rate + Call Back + Travel Expenses

Start Date: February 2025

LOA: 3 - 6 months

Credentialing: 3 months

Work Schedule: Clinic Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Call - 1 weekend/month (Friday - Sunday) plus one clinic day. OR - 1x/week

Patient Volume: They deliver approximately 350 births/year so it's not overly demanding.

Procedures: C-Sections are a must. Deliveries, standard gyn practice for clinic.

Staff: 1 FT MD, 1 PT MD, 1 PT CNM (clinic only), 1 RN, 1:1 MA, two other per diem MD's who help with call as well. Have a family birthing center - with breastfeeding education, support, L&D, lactation consultants, maternity care, and postpartum care.

EMR: Meditech - full training provided

License: VT license, however, if they have IMLC they will wait for a license. They will also wait for a license if they don't have IMLC and the candidate is strong. 

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