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Obstetrics & Gynecology
Job ID: 2805740
Laborist Shift coverage includes:
• Coverage of applicable labor deck, including but not limited to:
o OB Emergencies
o Operative delivery consults
o Add’l duties applicable to unit (coverage of MFM, START, etc)
• Teaching of fellows/residents in hospital setting (For ALL)
• Coverage of applicable MHS Clinic Call (MOGA, EP, etc.)
When the locums serves as a laborist, they would be working on L&D with the following: we have our own physician practice OBGYN covering their patients, a CNM also on L&D plus a physician assigned to GYN ED coverage. Essentially, the laborist would be covering anything coming through the OBED and backing up for perhaps a C-section for the midwife team.
Clinic coverage includes:
Direct patient care
Teaching of fellows/residents (For Academic Clinics)
Individual & group inbox management
Clinical documentation of services
Virtual visits, phone consultations, etc.
Support Staff- each provider has an assigned MA to support them. There are also RNs onsite to help manage patient calls and in-baskets. On any given day, there are OBGYNs, ARNP & CNM working int he clinic space
Are D&C's required?- Patient comes into clinic for evaluation and that Doc consults with on call OBGYN who could manage the D&C over at GSH. Locums would not perform these
Laparoscopic Hysterectomies, other patient procedures?- IUD, Nexplanon, placement and removals, LEEp, Colpos could be done as well
Percentages of case OB Vs Gyn- Roughly 60% Gyn, 40% OB
Average # of patients per day? MD's typically see between 20-24 patients per day
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